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The Disc Golf Revolution author-signed paperback

The Disc Golf Revolution author-signed paperback

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If the current pace continues, disc golf courses will outnumber traditional golf courses in the U.S. by 2024. Millions play already, and all signs point to sustained growth for a sport that seems custom-built for the 21st century.

In The Disc Golf Revolution author Jack Tupp interviews key figures and experts and uses a diverse range of sources to explain disc golf’s surging popularity. In addition to learning why, where, and how to play the game, within these pages you’ll also discover:

  • The link between disc golf’s history and its enviable grassroots network
  • How disc golf eliminates all 6 major issues that plague traditional golf
  • The physics of disc flight, and why discs intensify the golf experience
  • Why disc golf works where other forms of exercise fail
  • 15.5 predictions about the future of disc golf, and much more!

If you’re interested in disc golf as a recreational activity, excited but skeptical about the prospect of golf without the drawbacks, or love to track developing trends, this book is for you.

“I’ve read most of the literature on disc golf and this book is one of my favorites!”

Alicia S.



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Use School of Disc Golf's "Three Paths" to find the intersection of performance and fun

Packed with dozens of well-written and easy-to-understand tips and techniques, Three Paths to Better Disc Golf is easily the most impactful instructional disc golf book available today.

In addition to being an accomplished writer, the author has played disc golf for more than 30 years and won multiple Pro tournaments, and runs the successful School of Disc Golf.

Jack "Tupp" Trageser also wrote The Disc Golf Revolution and hosted DiscmastersTV with world champions Nate Doss, Avery Jenkins, and Valarie Jenkins.